
Blog Post Week 3

Research Abstract
In recent years, the Pseudomonas Aeruginosa bacteria have gained the attention of researchers looking to solve the plastic pollution in the world. The current research project for this semester is whether Pseudomonas Aeruginosa bacteria can be used to break down microplastics. Although finding a fast solution would be beneficial to the human population, research in this area is lacking because people believe plastic is cheap and easy to make. Manty are not concerned with the negative effects plastics have on the environment. In this studies, we use several sterilization and extraction methods examine Pseudomonas on the plastic. Seven types of recyclable plastics were collected and grinded into microplastics. Pseudomonas were placed on the plastic to see if colonies can digest the materials. The research will direct scientists to look further into finding techniques that safely lower the amount of microplastics in our environment.
Figure 1. Examples of Microplastics

Alliance for the Great Lakes. (2015, April 04). Microplastics [Digital image]. Retrieved March 1, 2017, from

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